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happy feet!


Antonio Contador + Calhau: "Nossa Senhora de Fátima Machine" [MERZ0026]

Curt Smith (Tears for Fears):


"I value my artistic freedom too much and don’t see the logic in giving away any ownership of my music to a major corporation whose influence on the music scene is slowly becoming irrelevant."



Curt Smith "aeroplane"
From release: halfway, pleased

lyrics offers royalties


On july 1 launched the "Artist Royalty Program". This lets artists on accrue royalties whenever their songs are streamed. This affects only independent artists, ie. musicians not affiliated with a label or royalty collection agency.
If you haven't done already, upload your music to, otherwise head straight to the Music Manager, to sign up. But remember, it's only rock'n'roll.

link via
Original blog on

[red012] Marek Gabriel Hruska "Interview"


and again, a very charming, elegant clip, this time from netlabel .

[Miga_v11] Benjamin Chassagne "Cubes & Glitches"


from the netlabel Miga comes this very charming, elegant clip:

new links


Just added three new links: CCalm Down, Relax. CCalm Down, Relax is "A weblog on netlabels, independent record labels and artists, Creative Commons".
The second is a link to a "List of projects using Creative Commons licenses". This is a list of CC-licensed projects in several media like journalism, cartography, movies, news, music, ... It's a wiki, so you can add your own contribution.
The last link is a blog about netlabels: XpRm.NeT "a company of enthusiasts, who likes a wide range of electronic experimental music, from experimental techno to noise, idm and hardcore." All CC licensed.

Gerry Faulhaber: "Copyright is a dead letter"


"Copyright is a very big issue in the legal world today, but in the business world, when you talk to consumers about protecting copyrights, it's a dead issue," he said. "It's gone. If you have a business model based on copyright, forget it." This and more quotes about copyright you can find in this article "Copyright is dead".

Netwaves: made in China


well euh, a sort of, we did our very best to find some Chinese related netlabel stuff, and here is the result (you can also listen in the flashplayer top right, episode 73). This is also the last episode for this season. We slowly restart in september, to get in full speed in October with a nice surprise ...


01. 3pm - Zenlu
02. Ideal of Maoism - Red Unit
03. Sunset - Red Unit
04. Reds in FarEast - Red Unit
05. Sweet - 48V
06. bamboo room - Blue Lotus Dream
07. I Want to China - Chikiss
08. danger signal - Double Fish
09. chao phraya express - Blue Lotus Dream
10. The ghost of cartoon monster - Chapi Chapo & Les Petites Musiques de Pluie
11. Firecrackers - Red Hot Wok
12. 1 - Siba

Gilberto Gil and CC


photo by Joi Ito

Gilberto Gil, one of the godfathers of Bossa nova in Brasil, tells: "The author laws, the author rights, I mean, they belong to—the way they are set and the laws are written and applied and everything, that all belongs to a previous period, you know, previous time, an analog, so to speak, an analog time. Now, the digital area, the digital era enable us to extend and expand cultural products and cultural goods and cultural possibilities to a level that we—we have to also rewrite and reshape the legal framework and the regulatory framework, so that it can adjust to the new possibilities. That’s what Creative Commons is about, bringing possibilities to manage their own work, you know, to the creators, so that the songwriters, the theater play writers, the book writers, and so and so, can have the possibilities to manage their own work and say—and determine what their work will serve for."

CC blog
interview on Democracy Now!

netlabelism @ Noise Gate


Vorige zondag was present op de opendeurdag van Noise Gate voor een showcase in netlabels en Creative Commons. Noise Gate is een relatief jong muziekcentrum, gelegen in een oud schooltje in Ternat. De sfeer was leuk en gemoedelijk, en we hadden een leuke babbel met Nabil, en Luc en Sebbe van het Gentse muziekcentrum Kinky Star. Nabil droomt ervan om degelijke pop te maken. En de Kinky Star is een begrip in Gent met haar kaffee en concertjes, radio, jongerenrockschool en cursussen.
Foto's volgen nog.

Auvibel wil meer


Het wordt eentonig: consumenten stappen af van oude informatiedragers tvv. nieuwe technologiën, en in het zog stappen verouderende organisaties met even archaïsche namen zoals "beheersvennootschappen" mee om te proberen een graantje mee te pikken in de vorm van "heffingen op uitzonderingen op exclusieve rechten van de auteurs, de uitvoerende kunstenaars en de producenten van fonogrammen en audiovisuele werken die recht hebben op een vergoeding voor het kopiëren voor eigen gebruik van hun werken en prestaties, en blablabla ..."
Auvibel werd in 1995 opgericht om de vergoeding te beheren voor de legale thuiskopie op oa. cassettes, Minidisk, CD's en DVD's. Nu mensen meer en meer overstappen op iPod en USB voor hun informatietransport, wil de "Collectieve beheersvennootschap voor het kopiëren voor eigen gebruik van geluidswerken en audiovisuele werken" ook een heffing op die dragers.
Gelukkig hebben die wipo's indertijd er niet aan gedacht dat men op papier hele boeken kan kopiëren ...

viva Russian disco-punk!


Ferris Wheel - Constellation of Tombs

Netwaves digs Diggarama!


Episode 2.35 offers an anthology of the Diggarama netlabel.


01. Método Paranoico Critico - In Vitro
02. Babysitter - Eloi Brunelle
03. Moj Svijet - DraCo
04. Midnight Express - G+Shame feat. Tamara Dinka
05. Gluckonauts of Planet K - Vadz
06. Elmer Davis - N-Ter
07. Our Way (Braintrans) - Flame
08. Birth - Doctor's Orders
09. Organicum - Pasquale Maassen
10. Shower Curtain - Planet Boelex
11. Man in New York (Perfect Blind Downtempo remake) - Perfect Blind & Cusis
12. High as a Kite-End Crabbits - Jan Morgenstern

Beep! Beep! Netwaves!


Netwaves 2.34 brings some eclectic Jamendo releases and has an interview with Nicolai from the Dutch netlabel "Beep! Beep! Back up the truck".


01. Sola - Mbata Kongo
02. Eject Cool - Five Mix Colors
03. 1995 - Paper Tiger
04. Non Threat - The Walt
05. Als je lacht - Het Gloren
06. I saw my lady weep - Krowley
07. Afro Blue - Triplexity
08. Coal Train - Triplexity
09. Rattle Snake Shake - Faren Khan
10. After Thoughts - Pharmacopia
11. Fågelfostret - Fiktion

7 T's


Watch this very intriguing movie by Jungle is neutral, entitled "1973 partie 3"